Electric Vehicles

Market dynamics and indirect network effects in electric vehicle diffusion

The diffusion of electric vehicles (EVs) is studied in a two-sided market framework consisting of EVs on the one side and EV charging stations (EVCSs) on the other. A sequential game is introduced as a model for the interactions between an EVCS …

An intelligent energy management system for large-scale charging of electric vehicles

The problem of large-scale charging of electric vehicles (EVs) with consumer-imposed charging deadlines is considered. An architecture for the intelligent energy management system (iEMS) is introduced. The iEMS consists of an admission control and …

Large scale charging of electric vehicles: A multi-armed bandit approach

A sequential game model is proposed to analyze a two-sided market and indirect network effects involving electrical vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS). The investor maximizes his profit by choosing a set of locations to build …

On market dynamics of electric vehicle diffusion

A sequential game model is proposed to analyze a two-sided market and indirect network effects involving electrical vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS). The investor maximizes his profit by choosing a set of locations to build …

Two-sided market of Electric Vehicles and EV charging facilities

Modeling the indirect network effect between EV and EV charging facilities.